Interpretation of a dream about magic from someone I know

Because we know that magic is one of the things that God has forbidden from doing, and is considered one of the major sins, we must be afraid after seeing magic and sorcerers in a dream, especially if the one who performed that magic is someone we know. Is this an indication that it will happen? Will we be harmed in the future or does the vision have other dimensions?

Don't worry, we are here to provide you Interpretation of a dream about magic from someone I know Depending on the various life circumstances and the social status of the person seeing it, in some detail through the following lines.

Interpretation of a dream about magic from someone I know

Interpretation of a dream about magic from someone I know

When the dreamer sees in his dream that someone is performing magic for him, and that person is one of his relatives or friends in real life, perhaps in that case the interpretation of the dream will be as follows:

  • It is possible that the dream is an indication that the dreamer is far from the path of God Almighty. Until his faith became corrupted, in which case he must repent and return to the path of guidance.
  • Dreaming about witchcraft from someone you know in reality indicates that you will have many disputes surrounding you, or that you will commit many misdeeds and sins against yourself and against those around you. In that case, you must return the injustices to their people and repent to God Almighty.
  • If there is a relationship filled with tension between the dreamer and the person who bewitched him in the dream, then the interpretation of the dream of bewitchment from someone I know in that case is an indication that there will be a lot of quarrels between them in the future, and it is possible that it will develop into a severe conflict that will lead to dire consequences.
  • The dream may be an indication of the intense envy to which the dreamer was exposed, which caused the dreamer to enter a state of sadness.
  • If a dream about magic is repeated several times, this may be an indication of the dreamer’s fear of the future, even if the magician is someone he knows, and in that case he must abandon those fears and leave the matter to God Almighty.

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Interpretation of a dream about magic from someone I know for a single woman

Interpretation of a dream about magic from someone I know

The interpretation of a dream about witchcraft from a person I know to a single woman is not considered a praiseworthy interpretation, as the dream may indicate the following connotations:

  • If the dreamer sees that some of her friends are performing magic for her; The dream indicates that she will meet people who show her good and harbor evil for her, and in that case she should not be sad, as God Almighty has revealed to her their bad intentions so that she can stay away from them.
  • If a single woman sees in her dream that there are many friends performing witchcraft for her, but she feels happy about it; The dream indicates that she will get engaged in the near future to someone who has a good reputation, and that she will live with him very happily.
  • It is possible that the dream is an indication of the evil lurking in the heart of one of her friends, which caused her to perform magic on her and in order to disrupt the good coming in her future.

Interpretation of a dream about magic from someone I know for a married woman

Interpretation of a dream about magic from someone I know

If a married woman sees in her dream that someone is performing witchcraft on her, then the interpretation of the dream about witchcraft from someone I know in that case is as follows:

  • The dream may be an indication that someone has actually performed magic on the dreamer, and as a result of that magic, she will face many problems and fall into many crises.
  • If the dreamer sees that there is someone preparing the witchcraft for her, and she can see its effects, then the dream indicates that she is negligent in her duty to God Almighty, and she must repent to Him and repent for the sins she was committing, as the interpretation of a dream about witchcraft from a person I know in that case is An indication of God's wrath upon her.
  • Sometimes the interpretation of a married woman’s vision of someone she knows doing magic for her is that she will be exposed to deception or deception from a very malicious person who will try to destroy her life with harsh methods. In this case, she must be careful in all her dealings.

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Interpretation of a dream about magic from someone I know for a pregnant woman

Interpretation of a dream about magic from someone I know

It is possible for a pregnant woman to see many dreams that occupy her mind, but if she dreamed of seeing someone performing magic for her, and she knows him; This could frighten her a lot, so we present to you the meanings of that dream through the following:

  • The dream may be an indication that she is suffering from the presence of a jinn companion accompanying her, and in that case she must turn to the Qur’an to get rid of that.
  • The dream may be an indication that she feels a strong fear of giving birth.
  • If a pregnant woman sees in her dream that there are people performing witchcraft for her, and she feels very afraid of them because she knows them, the dream indicates that the dreamer will be exposed to hatred and envy from many around her. Because she became pregnant, in which case she had to be careful.
  • If a pregnant woman suffers from fatigue and pain during pregnancy, and she sees in a dream that one of her friends is bewitching her, then the dream is an indication that she will get rid of these troubles after giving birth, and God knows best.

Interpretation of a dream about magic from someone I know to a man

Interpretation of a dream about magic from someone I know

Leading dream interpreters tell us that the interpretation of a dream about magic from someone I know to a man is as follows:

  • It is possible that the dream is an indication that the dreamer has committed many sins, which require his repentance before he meets God Almighty.
  • If a man sees in his dream that there is someone performing magic for him, and he knows him personally; The dream is an indication that he is inflicting injustice on his family, and he must reconsider that.
  • If the man is not committed to performing acts of worship; The dream indicates God’s wrath upon him.

Interpretation of a dream about magic from someone close to me

Interpretation of a dream about magic from someone I know

If the dreamer sees in a dream that the one performing magic for him is one of his relatives; The dream has one of the following connotations:

  • There may be someone trying to prevent the dreamer from achieving his goal.
  • Sometimes a dream indicates that there are a lot of family disputes.
  • The dream may indicate that a great calamity will occur to the dreamer, which will make him feel extremely sad in the coming days, and he must seek help from God Almighty to overcome that sadness.
  • If the dreamer walks among people gossiping and backbiting, and he sees in his dream that his relatives are doing the magic for him; The dream is an indication of the need to stop these forbidden habits.

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Thus, we have learned in detail the interpretation of a dream about magic from someone I know, and its various connotations. Therefore, there is no need to be afraid and anxious about having that dream again, and know that reciting dhikr before sleep will always make you enjoy visions with happy connotations.


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