Interpretation of a dream about long hair by Ibn Sirin

Interpretation of a dream about long hair by Ibn Sirin It is one of the most sought-after explanations for many people. Especially women, as long hair can express various meanings, some of which are praiseworthy and indicate sustenance and goodness, and some are not.

The scholar Ibn Sirin clarifies the various interpretations in accordance with what is required by the Sunnah and Islamic law. The interpretations are considered nothing more than a superficial and simple reading of dream symbols and are not detailed. So we now explain these explanations to you.

Interpretation of a dream about long hair by Ibn Sirin

Interpretation of a dream about long hair by Ibn Sirin

Different interpretations of long hair can symbolize good meanings, some of which may be the opposite, depending largely on the psychological state of the dreamer and the surrounding circumstances, including:

  • If the dreamer sees that she has long and thick hair; This is evidence of piety, an increase in religion, and the acquisition of abundant goodness and ample lawful sustenance.
  • If a man sees in a dream that he has long hair that is out of place; This means facing many crises at the present time, and not being able to live life normally.
  • Long and disheveled hair in a dream could mean that there is goodness that befalls a person, but he obtains it after hardship and fatigue.
  • If the young man's long hair is white; This is evidence of the worry and sadness that the dreamer is facing in the current period, and his attempt to get rid of these worries that greatly occupy his mind.
  • If a pregnant woman sees that the fetus has long hair in a dream; This is an indication that the newborn will be of high importance and great status among people, and that he will be righteous towards his family, and God is Most High and Most Knowing.

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Interpretation of a dream about long hair by Ibn Sirin for a single woman

Interpretation of a dream about long hair by Ibn Sirin

Interpretations of a single woman differ from other interpretations, some of which are praiseworthy, and some of which are not, as the scholar Ibn Sirin sees, and among the most important of these interpretations are:

  • If a girl sees that she has long hair that has a beautiful and elegant shape; This is a sign that she will be blessed with abundant goodness and ample and easy livelihood, in addition to that she will attain a high status among people.
  • If a girl sees that she has long hair but feels upset and psychologically unstable; This means that she is suffering from many crises and difficult matters that greatly occupy her mind in the current period, and she must be patient to get rid of these crises.
  • If a single woman sees that she has long, soft hair and takes care of it, this is evidence that she will find relief and get rid of the crises that the dreamer was suffering from in the current period, and that she will obtain the stability and comfort that she was seeking.
  • If a single woman sees herself with long hair, it can mean that she has a wise and strong personality that helps her reach the goals she seeks.
  • It may mean hair growing out of place, feeling very upset, trying to get rid of the hair in vain, facing many crises and difficulties that prevent her from reaching the stable life that the dreamer seeks to achieve, and God knows best.

Interpretation of a dream about long hair by Ibn Sirin for a married woman

Interpretation of a dream about long hair by Ibn Sirin

Most of the interpretations for a married woman express her family and marital life, and dreams can give praiseworthy or other meanings as follows:

  • Seeing a veiled married woman with long hair exposed to the public; It indicates that she feels loss and misses her husband.
  • Whoever sees that she has long and soft hair; It is an indication that she has an increase in religion, closeness to God, and obtaining blessing in life, and God knows best.
  • If the married woman is young and finds that she has long, white hair; This is an indication of the crises and difficulties that it is suffering from in the current period, and it must be patient and wise to get out of these crises with minimal losses.
  • If a woman is suffering from many crises and problems in her life, and she sees that she has long and soft hair; This is an indication that she will get rid of problems in the near future, and will obtain abundant goodness and ample livelihood that will bring her the stability she was seeking.
  • Seeing long hair and feeling its weight on the head is an indication of the debts and worries that the dreamer is suffering from in the current period, and that she cannot get rid of the crises that she is suffering from.

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Interpretation of a dream about long hair by Ibn Sirin for a pregnant woman

Interpretation of a dream about long hair by Ibn Sirin

Most of the pregnant woman’s interpretations express the psychological state and instability that she is suffering from in the current period, and some of them express the reassurance that she will feel in the near future, or something else, and this is explained as follows:

  • Long hair indicates to a pregnant woman that she will get rid of the fear and stress she feels due to pregnancy and childbirth, and that she will have a healthy child, God willing.
  • If a pregnant woman sees that she has long yellow hair; This is an indication that she will get rid of the financial problems she suffers from, and will obtain abundant goodness and ample lawful livelihood upon the arrival of her child. 
  • If a pregnant woman sees that she has long hair and feels light and happy, this indicates that she will obtain goodness and blessings in her married life, and get rid of the worries and sorrows that she was suffering from.
  • A pregnant woman seeing herself with long hair and taking care of it indicates that she has wisdom and a strong personality that helps her get rid of the crises she faces, and that she maintains the stability of her home and family.

Interpretation of a dream about long hair by Ibn Sirin for a man

Interpretation of a dream about long hair by Ibn Sirin

A man sees many symbols and dreams in a dream that express many connotations and signals for him. Either for goodness or warning against the occurrence of something undesirable, and these indications include:

  • If a man sees in a dream that he has long hair and feels upset about it, this is an indication that he is suffering from crises and problems that are troubling him and making his life difficult.
  • If a man sees that he has long hair that is out of place; It is an indication that he is suffering from major worries and problems that affect his life.
  • A married man seeing that he has long hair covered in grey; An indication that he has many family problems that he cannot deal with, and he must be wise to get out of these crises.
  • If a merchant sees that he has long, abundant hair on his head and feels distressed by it, this is a sign of the necessity of being truthful and honest in his dealings, and investigating what is permissible and what is forbidden until God is satisfied with him, and God knows best.
  • If the dreamer sees that he has long, soft hair and braids it; An indication that a lot of goodness and blessings will happen in his life in the near future, and God knows best.
  • For a man to see that his son has long, thick hair; Until children gain superiority and high status among people.

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By learning about the interpretation of a dream about long hair by Ibn Sirin, it can easily be seen that dreams are merely an expression of the psychological state and circumstances surrounding the dreamer, and the soul can be fortified by reciting remembrances and following the Sunnah of the Prophet before sleeping.


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