Many people consider rain a symbol of goodness, because it is a fundamental cause of human life. However, seeing it in a dream causes many to wonder if the interpretation is evidence of goodness, or the possibility of the presence of evil nearby.

The dream carries many different connotations, so through the following lines we seek to clarify the multiple interpretations of seeing rain in a dream, based on the various details that appear in the dreams.

Interpretation of seeing rain in a dream

Rain, Rain, Go Away

A number of scholars interested in the field of dream interpretation have indicated that seeing rain in a dream carries a number of diverse interpretations. Namely:

  • The dream may indicate happiness and joy, as long as the rain in the dream was normal and was not destructive.
  • Sometimes the interpretation of seeing rain in a dream indicates the presence of evil close to the dreamer that will cause him many losses, especially when the rain appears in a destructive and unnatural way.
  • The vision may be an indication that the dreamer’s circumstances will change for the better, and that he will enter a new work deal, bringing him money and abundant livelihood.
  • Walking in the rain may indicate the dreamer's attempt to search for abundant livelihood.
  • The dream indicates chastity and a good life for the dreamer, if he is able to bathe happily under it.
  • Whoever sees that he is escaping from the destructive rain, this indicates the dreamer’s attempt to stay away from bad friends, get closer to God, and stay away from paths in which there is no good.
  • The dream may be an indication that the distress and major problems that the dreamer was suffering from have ended, and that his conditions have changed for the better.

Interpretation of seeing rain in a dream for a single woman

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Although rain is a sign of goodness, it can indicate something sad for a single woman. Accordingly, we will provide you with various interpretations of rain as follows:

  • Whoever sees the world raining blood indicates distress and major problems surrounding the dreamer, and the matter often causes several psychological problems.
  • If ordinary rain turns into heavy and destructive rain, it may indicate that the dreamer is entering a severe crisis, and she needs support from those close to her, in order to be able to overcome it.
  • If water spreads inside the house, it indicates major family problems for the dreamer.
  • Whoever sees herself walking happily in the rain indicates that the dreamer will obtain abundant livelihood, and perhaps a job opportunity.
  • The dream may be an indication that the dreamer will marry soon, if she sees that she is walking in the rain with a handsome man.
  • If the dreamer sees that she is running away from her fiancé from the devastating rain, this indicates problems between them, which may often end in separation.
  • If the dreamer sees someone keeping her away from the destructive rain, the dream indicates that she will receive support from those close to her, so she can enjoy a good life.
  • If someone sees heavy rain just above her in front of everyone, this may indicate that one of her secrets will be exposed, and the matter may cause her great sadness.

Various dream interpretations can now be obtained from leading dream interpreters across... Insights application.

Interpretation of seeing rain in a dream for a married woman

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The interpretation of seeing rain in a dream varies from one person to another, due to different details, and the dream could indicate one of the following interpretations:

  • Whoever sees heavy rain destroying her bedroom, this indicates marital disputes for her, and the matter may lead to separation.
  • The dream may indicate the abundant livelihood that awaits her, and will change her life for the better, as long as the rain is regular.
  • The dream may be evidence of the dreamer being obstructed and unable to achieve her goals, if the rain paralyzes her movement in the dream. 
  • Whoever sees her husband walking away from her in the heavy rain, this indicates that the husband is being carried away by his whims, and perhaps he needs advice from the wife to turn away from this path.
  • If she sees that she is escaping from raindrops under the wall, this may indicate that she is trying to escape from people’s bad words about her, which are often unfounded.
  • Whoever sees herself performing ablution in the rain, this indicates her attempt to get closer to God and seek forgiveness for her sins.
  • It is possible that heavy rain that does not cause harm is an indication of the pride and prestige that the dreamer enjoys.
  • Seeing rain accompanied by wind may be evidence that something undesirable is occurring, namely contracting a disease.
  • Whoever saw a lot of rain in a dream, and was preparing for a trip, the dream may indicate that her affairs will be disrupted, but she will soon complete her goals.

If you have an Android phone you can download Insights application From here, learn about the interpretation of dreams at the hands of scientists.

Interpretation of seeing rain in a dream for a pregnant woman

Walking in the rain: 4 wellness benefits of rainy walks | Psychologies

If she sees rain in her dream, the interpretation of the dream is as follows:

  • Whoever sees heavy rain in her house, this indicates marital problems for her, and in most cases she is unable to solve them.
  • If she sees that it is raining stones at work, it indicates the dreamer’s bad actions that cause her losses, and she often needs to review her decisions.
  • The dream may be evidence that she will give birth to a healthy baby, if the rain is light and desirable.
  • Whoever sees that she is able to escape from the heavy rain, this indicates that the dreamer will be able to get rid of the crises and obstacles that she faces in her life.
  • The dream may indicate righteousness and purity if the dreamer is trying to wash with rain water.
  • If she sees her husband drowning in rainwater, it indicates debts and major financial crises that the husband is going through, and perhaps he needs support.
  • If she sees people throwing dirty water at her in the form of rain, this indicates bad words being said about her by those around her, and she needs to be careful.
  • Whoever saw the rain falling quietly and was happy, indicates the good psychological state that the dreamer enjoys.

Interpretation of seeing rain in a dream for a man

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The interpretation of rain in a dream for a man varies based on various factors, such as details and psychological state, and its different meanings are as follows:

  • Seeing rain in a dream may be evidence that the dreamer will soon marry a good girl, especially if the water is clean and fresh.
  • Heavy rain in a dream may indicate major obstacles that the dreamer faces in his life, but they usually end quickly.
  • If the opinion is afraid of rain behind him in the dream, it may indicate the dreamer’s fears about the future, and God knows best.
  • Sometimes devastating rain indicates material losses that may befall the dreamer.
  • The vision may be an indication that the dreamer is suffering from many problems in his life, caused by envious and haters, especially if the rain is from snakes.
  • Whoever sees rain from fire, perhaps the dream is a warning to him to deviate from the path he is taking.

It is now available for download Insights application For iPhone, to familiarize yourself with the different interpretations.

Although rain is evidence of upcoming goodness for the dreamer, it can also portend coming evil, so we recommend downloading the Ruaa application, which includes scholars and dream interpreters.


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