Marriage is one of the praiseworthy things that many people dream of, but when it appears in a dream, some people rush to know the interpretation of the dream of marriage, to ascertain whether it carries within it good for them, or a warning to people that may befall them.

There are many different connotations related to the dream of marriage, and through the following lines it is possible to learn in detail some of the interpretations based on the details of the dream and the psychological state.

Interpretation of a dream about marriage

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A number of dream interpreters have confirmed that the interpretation of a dream about marriage has a number of different connotations and interpretations. Namely:

  • It is possible that the vision of marriage is an indication of the goodness, joy, and pleasure that will occur in the dreamer’s life in the coming period.
  • Whoever sees that he is getting married in a mosque, this indicates the many good things that he will receive, which will enable him to enjoy a new life.
  • Sometimes marrying a beautiful girl in a dream is an indication of the high positions that the dreamer holds in his life.
  • The dream also indicates the end of the period of illness and the enjoyment of health and strength, if the dreamer is sick in reality, and sees himself marrying a beautiful girl.
  • The dream may be an indication of the end of the major problems and obstacles that the dreamer faces in his life, especially if he was happy in the dream.
  • The dream may be an indication of the end of disputes, if he sees that he has married an enemy of his.
  • Perhaps someone who sees that he is marrying an ugly person should be careful in the coming period regarding work engagements.

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Interpretation of a dream about marriage for a single woman

Married people tend to be far happier than those who are not, according to new data | CNN

Although some see the vision of a single woman getting married in a dream as stemming from her psychological state, it also carries many connotations, which are as follows:

  • Whoever sees that she is getting married in a dream, this indicates a lot of goodness that will happen to her in her life, as the dream represents goodness for her.
  • It is possible that the vision of marrying a lover in a dream indicates that the date of her husband is actually approaching.
  • The dream may serve as confirmation for the dreamer that she will get what she wants and reach the position she aspires to, if she marries a beautiful person in the dream.
  • Sometimes the interpretation of a single woman’s dream about marrying an ugly person indicates the presence of a spiteful and envious person near her who wants to harm her.
  • The dream may also indicate the sins that the dreamer commits in her life, if she sees marriage in a noisy place and she is dancing in joy, and in that case she must rethink her actions again.
  • Whoever saw herself being forced to marry by her family indicates the family’s control over her life, and it may cause her great sadness.
  • The vision of marrying a dead person could be evidence that she was able to achieve something that was hopeless.
  • If she sees that she is getting married in a transparent dress, it indicates that her secrets will be exposed in front of those close to her, and the matter may cause her great sadness.
  • Signing a marriage contract in black ink may be a sign of hearing sad news, perhaps the death of someone.

Interpretation of a dream about marriage for a married woman

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The interpretation of the dream varies depending on the details and the psychological state of the dreamer, and therefore we strive to present the different interpretations of the dream of marriage, through the following:

  • She saw that she married her husband again, which indicates the strong relationship that binds them together, and enables her to overcome a number of difficult problems.
  • If the dreamer sees that she is marrying her father, it indicates the support she receives from her family, so that she can enjoy a calm life free of crises.
  • It is possible that the vision of getting married in a large place is an indication of the great change that is occurring in her life, as she will most likely obtain a lot of livelihood and abundant money in the future.
  • Seeing a tight red wedding dress may indicate that the wife is following the temptations and charms of the world, and she needs to pay more attention to her actions, so as not to incur losses.
  • It is possible to see marriage to an old man in a dream, as evidence of facial illness and great physical fatigue for her.
  • Whoever saw that she was marrying a good-natured man in her workplace indicated that she would be able to enjoy a high position that would help her change her life for the better.
  • Seeing the husband marrying another girl and her crying may be evidence of the wife’s extreme jealousy, causing her a number of problems.


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Interpretation of a dream about marriage for a pregnant woman

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When a pregnant woman sees a marriage ceremony in a dream, the dream carries many connotations within it. Such as:

  • It is possible to see marriage to a beautiful young child as evidence of the pregnant woman’s good health and her giving birth to a safe and healthy child.
  • If she sees her husband marrying an ugly woman at work, this may be a sign that the husband is entering into an unprofitable business deal that will cause him a lot of harm.
  • It is possible that seeing a father's forced marriage in a dream means that he bears many responsibilities that exceed his ability to bear.
  • The dream may be an indication that the pregnant woman is going through a severe illness, if she sees that she is signing the marriage contract in red.
  • Whoever sees that she refuses to marry her husband, this may indicate her desire to delay pregnancy, and God knows best.
  • It is possible that seeing a woman getting married in a wide green dress is an indication that she has faith and is able to get closer to God and stay away from the mortal matters of this world.
  • Seeing dissatisfaction with marriage in a dream may be an indication that the pregnant woman is involved in something scandalous, causing her many problems and turmoil in her marital life.
  • Whoever sees that she was forcibly married to her husband’s mother, this indicates the husband’s family’s control over her life, and her inability to enjoy a quiet life, and the matter causes her great sadness.

Interpretation of a dream about marriage for a man

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It is possible for a man to see in a dream that he is getting married or attending the wedding ceremony of someone other than himself, and here the interpretation of the dream is as follows:

  • The dream indicates that the dreamer will marry in the near future, if he sees that he will marry a very beautiful girl and be happy.
  • The dream may serve as a warning to the dreamer to reconsider his decisions, especially if he witnesses marrying an ugly girl.
  • If a man sees in a dream that he is attending a noisy wedding ceremony, this indicates that he will hear sad news in the coming period.
  • Whoever sees that he refuses to marry an ugly girl at work, this indicates that the dreamer will be able to confront one of the harmful deals that almost cost him many unbearable losses.
  • The dream may indicate that the family controls the dreamer’s actions, if he sees that he is forced to marry a girl he does not approve of.
  • Whoever sees that he is forced to contract a marriage, the dream indicates that the dreamer is entering into a business deal that he is not satisfied with, and that may cause him losses.

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There are many interpretations of the dream of marriage in a dream, due to the different details of the dream, so we would like to praise you for downloading the Ruaa application, to learn about the appropriate interpretation for you from the leading dream interpreters.


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