Seeing an unknown person in a dream and trying to escape from him may indicate that the dreamer has escaped great harm that almost befell him, especially if he felt safe and psychologically comfortable after getting rid of him.

 But if the feeling of fear is the only feeling that controls him in the dream, he must be careful of his upcoming decisions, which may cause him severe harm. We seek to interpret the dream of escaping and fearing an unknown person based on the psychological state of the dreamer.

Interpretation of a dream about escaping and fearing an unknown person

Interpretation of a dream about escaping and fearing an unknown person

The interpretation of a dream about escaping and being afraid of an unknown person carries with it many different connotations, which are as follows:

  • It is possible to see running away from an ugly, unknown person in a dream as evidence that the dreamer was able to overcome one of the difficult periods in his life, which made him do many undesirable things.
  • Whoever sees that he is trying to escape from an unknown person and feels extreme fear, this indicates that there is a person close to him who is hostile to him and is trying to harm him.
  • The dream may be an indication of goodness, and the dreamer will be able to enjoy a calm life free of difficulties after many crises, if he is able to escape from the unknown person to a large place filled with plants.
  • Failure to escape from an ugly person indicates bad news that will befall the dreamer in the coming days, and he may often be exposed to major financial losses, and may even lose a lot of money.
  • It is possible to see running away from someone trying to kill him with a knife, as evidence of the dreamer’s attempts to distance himself from bad friends and get closer to God.
  • Seeing the failure of escape and feeling happy may be evidence that the dreamer is immersed in the temptations of the world, and his heart is attached to things that are not good, and he must rearrange his decisions again.
  • Sometimes it indicates hearing bad, sad news, especially if the unknown person manages to cause harm to the dreamer.

Interpretation of a dream about escaping and being afraid of an unknown person for a single woman

Interpretation of a dream about escaping and fearing an unknown person

The interpretation of a dream about escaping from an unknown person varies based on the details of the dream. If he was able to go to beautiful and spacious places in the company of good people, the dream indicates goodness, and vice versa, and the details can be identified. Interpretation of a dream about escaping and fearing an unknown person is as follows:

  • Whoever saw her friend helping her escape from an ugly, unknown person, indicates the strong relationship between the dreamer and her friend, enabling her to help her overcome difficult periods and enjoy a peaceful life.
  • Sometimes the interpretation of a dream about escaping from an unknown person to a cemetery indicates hearing sad news, most often the death of one of the people close to the dreamer, and it may cause him severe shock that will incapacitate him.
  • It is possible that the dream is evidence of goodness coming to the dreamer, especially if the dreamer is able to escape from the ugly person into the mosque.
  • The dream may be evidence of the bright future that awaits the dreamer, especially if she is able to escape from a dark place to a more spacious and light place.
  • Whoever sees that she feels extremely frightened when someone is stalking her, this is evidence that there is someone stalking her in her life, speaking badly and incorrectly about her, and perhaps it makes her feel extremely sad.
  • If she sees that her fiancé is the unknown, terrifying person who is following her, the dream will be a warning to her to reconsider her relationship with her fiancé, as he often causes her severe harm.
  • Whoever sees a handsome person chasing her, the dream indicates that the dreamer will marry someone who has good morals and will provide her with a decent life in the coming period.

can be recognized Interpretation of a dream about escaping and fearing an unknown person Visions Which contains a large number of dream interpreters specialized in the field.

Interpretation of a dream about escaping and fearing an unknown person for a married woman

Interpretation of a dream about escaping and fearing an unknown person

The interpretation of a dream about escaping and being afraid of an unknown person varies from one person to another, but the dream becomes darker if the pursuer manages to cause harm to the dreamer, and the details can be identified as follows:

  • Seeing an unknown, ugly woman chasing her and her husband indicates that there is a person close to the dreamer who has strong hatred for her and wants to spoil her marital relationship. Extreme caution must be exercised with those close to her during this period, to avoid harm as much as possible.
  • Whoever saw her manager chasing her and hitting her severely, this is an indication that the dreamer will be exposed to a lot of harm in her professional life, and things often get worse, leading to the loss of her job.
  • Seeing her father saving her from the unknown person, the dream indicates the various advice that the dreamer receives from her family, so that she can enjoy a peaceful life with her husband.
  • If she sees that she suffered a lot of harm while escaping from the unknown person, the dream may indicate the bad friends surrounding her, who are causing her distance from God, and she often struggles to return from this dark path.
  • Sometimes a dream can indicate major marital problems that you are experiencing.
  • The dream may indicate that the dreamer will be able to achieve her goals and enjoy a quiet life free of difficulties. Especially if you win over the unknown person.

Now you can download Insights application On Android phones, to get the most accurate interpretations at the hands of dream interpreters.

Interpretation of a dream about escaping and being afraid of an unknown person for a pregnant woman

Interpretation of a dream about escaping and fearing an unknown person

Seeing an escape from an unknown person may be a good thing, especially if the feeling of fear changes to happiness, and the various connotations are as follows:

  • Whoever sees that she is running away from the doctor, it is mostly a pipe dream, given the approaching date of giving birth and her feeling of fear that something unexpected and bad will happen.
  • It is possible that the dream indicates a happy birth for her, and that she will not go through crises and difficulties, especially if she escapes from the unknown, ugly person with the help of a handsome person.
  • Sometimes a dream indicates big family problems for her, if she sees that she knows the unknown person and he is trying to harm her badly.
  • The inability to escape from an unknown person in a dream may be evidence that the dreamer is exposed to a severe health condition, causing her many complications.
  • Failure to confront the unknown person indicates the victory of one of her enemies over her, and she will suffer many losses, and the matter causes her great sadness.

Interpretation of a dream about escaping and fearing an unknown person for a man

Interpretation of a dream about escaping and fearing an unknown person

The interpretation of a dream about escape and fear varied based on various factors, and we explain the multiple interpretations accordingly. Namely:

  • The dream may be evidence that the dreamer will get married soon, if he sees a beautiful girl trying to pursue him.
  • Seeing escape from a friend and feeling extreme fear is evidence of the turbulent relationship between the dreamer and his friend during that period, but it will soon end in a good way.
  • Escaping to a dark place in a dream from an unknown person may be an indication of the dreamer’s ill-considered actions, which cause him a lot of damage and loss. He must think carefully about his decisions.

Interpretations of various dreams can now be obtained by scholars and dream interpreters via download Insights application For iPhone.


There are many interpretations of a dream about escaping and being afraid of an unknown person in a dream, as they differ according to the details of the dream and the psychological state of the dreamer. Therefore, it is preferable to download the Ruaa application for dream interpretation, to obtain an accurate interpretation.


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