Interpretation of a dream about an engagement for a single woman to an unknown person

What is the interpretation of a dream about a single woman’s engagement to an unknown person? Many girls want to find a suitable life partner, and imagine the night of their lives and the wedding. Therefore, many girls may dream about this night, or that they are engaged to someone, and these dreams may indicate good visions or otherwise in many cases, which must be noted that they depend greatly on the details of the dreamer’s dream.

Ruaa website and application are interested in clarifying and interpreting the dreams that the dreamer sees. To ensure that the interpretation of the dream applies completely to him only, and the engagement may indicate many praiseworthy things, and others, and this is what will be clarified in the following lines.

Interpretation of a dream about an engagement for a single woman to an unknown person

Interpretation of a dream about an engagement for a single woman to an unknown person

Interpretations of dreams vary greatly based on the details of the dream, but in general, a brief interpretation of a dream about an engagement for a single woman from an unknown person can be obtained as follows:

  • If a single woman sees herself engaged to someone she does not know, but she feels comfortable and reassured; This is evidence of hearing a lot of happy news, and achieving all the dreams that the dreamer aspired to in the recent past.
  • If a single woman sees herself getting engaged to someone she does not know; But she feels very stressed and anxious, as this is an indication that there are many annoyances and things that occupy the dreamer’s mind, which prevent her from enjoying her youth.
  • If a single girl sees herself engaged to someone she does not know, and she is trying hard to recognize his features but is unable to; This is a sign of the girl’s disapproval of the groom who proposes to her in the near future.
  • Seeing the same girl wearing an engagement dress and marrying someone whose features are not clear, but feeling joyful and happy, may indicate the achievement of all the dreams and wishes that the girl was striving to achieve, and the end of the sad period that she was suffering from, and God Almighty is Most High and All-Knowing.
  • The girl could see herself engaged to an unknown person; This indicates that she will soon get a new life in which she will be the decision-maker.

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Interpretation of a dream about a single woman’s engagement to an unknown person according to Ibn Sirin 

Interpretation of a dream about an engagement for a single woman to an unknown person

The scholar Ibn Sirin sees various interpretations of dreams based on the experience and insight he had, and the most important of these interpretations are:

  • Just seeing the same girl getting engaged to someone, whether she knows him or someone unknown; This heralds the imminence of her marriage to a righteous person who will help her withstand the tribulations of this world and draw closer to God.
  • If a girl sees that she is getting engaged to someone she does not know, but she feels stable and peaceful; This means that she will receive blessings and abundant livelihood in the near future, and that she will reach the high position that she dreamed of.
  • It could mean that a girl is getting engaged to a man she does not know, but she sees all her family members around her. She hears a lot of happy news in the near future, and the dreams she always dreamed of will come true.
  • If the girl is already engaged and dreams that she is getting engaged to someone she does not know, then this indicates the completion of her marriage procedures and facilitating it.
  • A girl sees a man proposing to her but she does not know him, and she feels anxious and tense; An indication that there are some annoyances that are pressuring the dreamer in the current period, and her inability to solve these problems on her own.
  • If a girl sees herself wearing a distinctive dress and preparing for her engagement to someone she does not know; It may indicate a stable life and happy news that the girl will hear in the near future, and God Almighty is Most High and Most Knowing.
  • Whoever sees that she is getting engaged to someone she does not know, but she feels calm and tranquil; This indicates abundant livelihood and ample lawful money that you will obtain easily in the near future.

Interpretation of a dream about a single woman’s engagement to an unknown person according to Al-Nabulsi 

Interpretation of a dream about an engagement for a single woman to an unknown person

Sheikh Muhammad Al-Nabulsi interprets dreams according to what Islamic law requires, and the most important of these interpretations are:

  • Seeing a single girl getting engaged to an unknown person that she does not know is a sign that she is actually approaching marriage to someone close to her, and that she will have a special emotional experience.
  • If a girl sees herself engaged to someone she does not know, without any noise or any sign of joy; This may express the presence of some annoyances and negative thoughts that are occupying her mind at the present time.
  • A girl can see herself getting engaged to someone she does not know, and find that he has many good and kind qualities. This is an indication that she is close to marrying a good and pious person, and God is Most High and Most Knowing.
  • If a girl sees herself preparing for her engagement to someone she knows nothing about; This may express the wisdom and brilliant mind that the girl has.
  • If a girl finds herself marrying an unknown person but is trying to get to know him; This is a strong indication that we will hear a lot of happy and special news in the near future, God willing.
  • Seeing the same girl getting engaged and marrying someone she does not know, and feeling very happy; An indication that she will soon hear the happy news and her life will change for the better, God willing.

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Interpretation of a dream about a single woman’s engagement to an unknown person by Ibn Shaheen 

Interpretation of a dream about an engagement for a single woman to an unknown person

The scholar Ibn Shaheen interpreted the marriage or engagement of a girl to an unknown man as taking many praiseworthy possibilities, and sometimes a dream can indicate undesirable interpretations, and these interpretations include:

  • Suddenly seeing the same girl getting engaged to someone she does not know; It may indicate that she will receive surprising news soon.
  • It is possible that the interpretation of a girl’s dream that she is getting engaged to someone she does not know is that she will achieve the endeavors she is passionate about and reach the position that she was desperately seeking to reach.
  • If a girl sees herself in a relationship with a man she does not know and feels upset and tense; This dream may indicate her desire to change the course of her life, and get rid of the annoyances and tension that she currently feels.
  • A girl’s dream that she is marrying someone she does not know may symbolize that she desires emotional stability and a new life with the opportunities she dreams of.
  • The girl's vision of herself in the dress symbolizes that she is engaged to someone she does not know, but she feels happy and reassured that she is reaching the steps she was planning, and getting the prosperous life she was seeking.
  • The dream of a single girl marrying a man she does not know may express that she is getting closer to God and getting rid of the bad qualities that hinder her from reaching the dreams and ambitions that she seeks.
  • If a girl sees that she is getting engaged to someone she does not know, and she feels panic and anxiety; This may be an indication of the presence of an envious eye that does not wish it well, and it must protect itself with the verses of the Qur’an.

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After learning about the most important and prominent interpretations related to the interpretation of a dream about a single woman’s engagement to an unknown person; It is important to know that interpretations help clarify some matters in the life of the person seeing them, and it is important not to take them for granted, but to recite many remembrances during sleep so that you are always with God.


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