Dates in the home mean goodness and blessing, as the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said. He advised Aisha, may God be pleased with her, about the necessity of eating dates, saying: “A house in which you do not pass, its people are hungry,” referring to the importance of dates and the blessing that brings a believer only by the presence of dates. Therefore, many research From the ladies about the interpretation of seeing dates in a dream for a married woman to get different interpretations.

Ruaa website explains the different interpretations that a dream can express, which depends largely on the psychological state and circumstances surrounding the dream.

Interpretation of seeing dates in a dream for a married woman

Interpretation of a dream about dates for a married woman Sayidaty magazine

The dreamer can see many dreams that directly express the psychological state she feels at the present time, and there are some that symbolize praiseworthy interpretations, and some that do not, and the most important of these interpretations are:

  • Seeing dates in a dream in large quantities is evidence of obtaining abundant goodness and ample lawful livelihood in the near future, and reaching the comfort and stability that the dreamer was seeking in the current period.
  • If the dreamer sees that she is eating dates and feeding her children; This is evidence of getting rid of the financial crises that the dreamer suffered from in the previous period.
  • If a married woman sees that there is a strange man giving her dates in a large bag, it is an indication of getting rid of the worry and sadness that she felt in the previous period, and obtaining happiness and contentment in this world, and God knows best.
  • Seeing wet dates in a dream could mean evidence of happiness in this world and the hereafter, and reaching the position that the dreamer dreamed of reaching.
  • If the dreamer sees in a dream that she is buying dates in a dream, it is an indication that she will hear a lot of happy news in the near future, and she must prepare for these events.
  • If the dreamer sees that a well-known person is offering her dates; This is a sign that she will hear a lot of happy news in the near future, and will get rid of the crises and difficulties that occupy her mind.
  • Black dates in a dream are evidence that there are many matters that occupy the dreamer’s mind, and she must be wise to make wise decisions that will help her get rid of the crises she is going through.

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Seeing dates in a dream for a married woman according to Ibn Sirin

Interpretation of seeing dates in a dream Al-Marsal

The scholar of interpretation, Ibn Sirin, explains that dates in a dream are an indication of the goodness and blessing that surrounds the life of the dreamer, and there are some interpretations that are the opposite, and the most important of these interpretations are:

  • Whoever sees a dead person offering him dates, this is evidence that he will soon hear happy news and get rid of the crises that the dreamer was going through in the previous period.
  • If the dreamer sees in a dream that her husband is offering her dates in the dream, this is evidence of the end of the crises and problems that she is suffering from with her husband, and that she will reach the life of stability that she was seeking with her husband. 
  • Seeing dates in a dream in general is evidence that the dreamer will get rid of the crises she was suffering from, and that her children will reach a high status among their peers.
  • If the dreamer sees that her husband’s mother is giving her red dates in the dream, this is evidence of good fortune and getting rid of the financial crises that the dreamer was going through in the previous period.
  • Seeing palm trees and dates in a dream could mean the good deeds performed by the dreamer, and that she is keen on getting closer to God and seeking what is permissible from what is forbidden, and God Almighty is Most High and Most Knowing.
  • If the dreamer sees in a dream that she is planting dates in the ground, it is evidence of the strength of her character and that she is raising her children in a good manner.

Interpretation of seeing dates in a dream for a married woman according to Al-Osaimi

Seeing dates in a dream - Al-Shaheen News 

Dreams are interpreted by the scholar of interpretation Al-Osaimi, who explains the hidden meanings that dreams can carry based on the different circumstances of the dreams. The most important of these interpretations are:

  • Dry dates in a dream are evidence of the successes that the dreamer will achieve in the near future, but after facing the difficulties and crises that she is suffering from in the current period.
  • Seeing rotten dates in a dream could mean the presence of a weak enemy who harbors evil and shows goodness, and she must beware of him and protect herself and her family.
  • If the dreamer sees in a dream that she is getting rid of a date pit, this is evidence that the crises and problems she is suffering from will soon end, and that she will reach the state of stability and comfort that she dreamed of reaching.
  • Whoever sees her deceased mother offering large quantities of dates in a dream, this is evidence of the good condition of the deceased, and the necessity of doing many good deeds for her, and praying for mercy and forgiveness for her, and God knows best.
  • It may mean for a married woman to see that her children are picking dates from palm trees. This is a sign of the children’s good condition and achieving success and high status after facing difficulties, and achieving the happiness and goodness that she dreamed of.
  • If the dreamer sees in a dream that she is eating dates, this is a sign that she will get rid of the problems between her and her husband, and that she will reach a strong relationship between her and her husband, and God knows best.


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Interpretation of seeing dates in a dream for a married woman according to Al-Nabulsi 

Interpretation of a dream about dates for a married woman Sayidaty magazine

Al-Nabulsi can interpret seeing dates in a dream as strong evidence of goodness, blessing, and getting rid of the worries and sorrows that surround the dreamer. These interpretations include:

  • Seeing dates that are not yet ripe could indicate the problems that the dreamer is facing in the current period, and her strong desire to get rid of them, and she must be patient until she can get out of these crises.
  • Seeing a large date farm and feeling comfortable and relaxed is evidence of the happiness that the dreamer will reach, and obtaining the high status she was striving to reach.
  • Seeing dates eating them in a dream may mean evidence of goodness and blessings that the dreamer will receive, as well as happiness and prosperity.
  • Seeing, eating, and enjoying red dates is evidence of abundant goodness, lawful and ample livelihood, and hearing joyful news in the near future.
  • Seeing yourself eating moldy dates is evidence of the necessity of investigating the source of livelihood and knowing whether it is from a halal or haram source, and God Almighty is Most High and Most Knowing.
  • Seeing worms coming out of dates is evidence of corruption in work The necessity of repenting to God, drawing closer to Him with good deeds, and stopping doing deeds that do not please God, and God knows best.

You can get the accurate interpretations of your dream, download now Insights application For Android and communicate with interpretation scholars directly.

In conclusion, the interpretation of seeing dates in a dream for a married woman expresses that there is a lot of abundant goodness and livelihood that the dreamer gets in reality, and that she gets rid of worries and sorrows, and sometimes seeing dates can mean the opposite depending on the psychological state and circumstances of the dream.



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